エネルギー自給自足の建築技術 時事メモ marginalia



http://www.47news.jp/CN/201107/CN2011070101000922.html 20120815 取得、下記原本のキャッシュ添付)


東芝の佐々木則夫社長が2011年5月中旬 使用済み核燃料などの国際的な貯蔵・処分場を モンゴルに建設する計画を


2011年3月の福島第一原発事故の結果、 日本国内で核ゴミを処分することは困難になる公算になりました。 原発を運用していない貧乏の国に核ゴミを捨てるのは 人間性に欠ける発想です。

社員210000人、株主457000人はその発想を持つ人物を 2012年8月現在でも企業のトップとして残しています。




http://www.47news.jp/CN/201107/CN2011070101000922.html (2011/07/01 obtained 20120815)

モンゴルに国際的核処分場建設を 東芝が米高官に書簡

 米原子力大手ウェスチングハウス・エレクトリック(WH)を子会社に持つ東 芝の佐々木則夫社長が5月中旬、米政府高官に書簡を送り、使用済み核 燃料などの国際的な貯蔵・処分場をモンゴルに建設する計画を盛り込んだ新構想 を推進するよう要請、水面下で対米工作を進めていることが1日、分かった。

 モンゴルでの核処分場計画は、新興国への原発輸出をにらみ、モンゴルで加工したウラン燃料の供給と使用後の処理を担う「包括 的燃料サービス(CFS)」構想の一環。米国とモンゴルが主導し、日本にも参加を呼び掛けた。経済産業省が後押 ししてきたが、外務省が慎重姿勢を示すなど政府内に異論もある。

Kyodo http://english.kyodonews.jp/news/2011/07/100574.html cache: Toshiba lobbying U.S. to build nuclear waste repository in Mongolia Toshiba Corp. has lobbied a senior U.S. government official to realize an international nuclear fuel supply scheme that includes the construction of a nuclear waste repository in Mongolia, according to a copy of a letter by Toshiba’s president obtained by Kyodo News on Friday. Norio Sasaki, president of the Japanese electronics giant which has U.S. Westinghouse Electric Co. as a subsidiary, sent the letter dated May 12, 2011, to Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman. The governments of Japan, the United States and Mongolia have already been discussing the scheme, called Comprehensive Fuel Supply, informally, according to an internal Japanese government document dated February 2011, obtained by Kyodo News.

Japan Times report http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20110720a4.html

personal account by reporter Haruyuki Aikawa http://mainichi.jp/english/english/perspectives/news/20120313p2a00m0na003000c.html

http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-japan-eye-mongolia-nuclear-depot.html 2011年7月1日 17:44

http://www.embassymon.at/news/emb_news_53.html (cache obtained 20120815, press release by Mongolia 2011/05/10) The Permanent Mission of Mongolia to IAEA and other International Organizations in Vienna has been approached by some member states of the Agency and nuclear experts to verify if the news that Mongolia was prepared to accept to be a permanent nuclear waste storage site was true. Mongolia has a substantial quantity of uranium resources that it is thinking to exploit. Since this is a very sensitive issue, it will take time to decide on how to make use of these resources. There are a number of suggestions in this regard. But before taking any decision on the matter it will develop first a comprehensive national framework for uranium mining. A State policy and an Action Plan on uranium utilization and nuclear energy have been adopted. Also a Law on Nuclear Energy has been passed in 2009. The law regulates all issues pertaining to the exploitation of radioactive minerals and nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. It does not envisage import of nuclear waste from other countries. Also Article 4 of Mongolia’s law regarding its nuclear-weapon-free status clearly prohibits dumping or disposing of…. nuclear waste while individuals or legal persons that violate the law are to be held criminally liable. Moreover, Article 4.1 of Mongolia’s law on exporting and banning import and trans-border shipments of dangerous waste unequivocally bans import of dangerous waste for the purpose of exploiting, storing, or depositing. Also Article 4.2 of that law bans trans-border transit of dangerous waste through the country’s border. Several countries have expressed interest to invest in and cooperate with Mongolia in the area of exploitation of uranium. Mongolia is prepared to work with other countries within the framework of its national legislation and accepted international norms and standards. As the Nuclear Energy Agency of Mongolia has pointed out in April, there have not been any talks with foreign organizations or individuals on the issue of accepting nuclear waste of other countries since there are no legal grounds for such talks.



http://www.toshiba.co.jp/information/11070501_j.htm (cache obtained 20121230)







http://www.bloomberg.co.jp/news/123-MFPVWK6K50YH01.html (cache obtained 20121230)






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